Walnut enables you to easily achieve quantitative asset investment with one click
01 Jan 18:30 PM

The global digital asset market has continued to flourish in recent years. Blockchain and artificial intelligence have gradually 

become the industry leaders. The trend of combining AI and quantification has promoted the skyrocketing resources in the 

encryption era. More and more investors are turning their attention here, but encryption The complexity and monopoly of 

the market have hindered some investors.

Walnut Capital was established in the United States in 2018 and has a team of more than 30 elites from Wall Street, Europe, 

and Asia, who focus on financial technology, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and data analysis. In 2021, Walnut, 

the country's first artificial intelligence quantification platform, was developed, which has served tens of thousands of professional 

quantifiers and been adopted by many leading institutions. In 2023, walnut fund management ltd was officially established, providing 

a solid guarantee for the financial security of the Walnut platform. It will create a perfect encryption ecological platform with low threshold 

and high returns for global users.

Walnut’s mission is to make artificial intelligence benefit every user, bringing them sustainable benefits and unlimited possibilities. 

By lowering the technical threshold, we make artificial intelligence no longer an unattainable technology, but a powerful creative tool 

that every user can easily use.

AI quantitative business is the core key of our ecosystem. Through quantitative investment based on artificial intelligence, users can 

participate in a new income path, obtain static and dynamic income, and broaden investment options. At the same time, we provide 

a safe and reliable encrypted wallet that supports multi-chain and cross-chain to ensure the comprehensive security of users’digital 


AI quantification refers to the strategies and methods of quantitative financial transactions using artificial intelligence technology. 

The core goal of this field is to automate and optimize financial asset trading decisions through technologies such as machine 

learning, data analysis, and statistics to obtain better investment returns.

Intelligent decision-making: Using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, AI quantification can quickly analyze large amounts 

of financial data and make intelligent decisions based on market changes. This reduces the impact of human emotions and 

improves the accuracy of investment decisions.

Data-driven: AI quantification relies on the analysis of big data and historical data to identify patterns and trends. Through deep 

learning and data mining technology, the system can better understand market behavior and provide users with data-based 

investment advice.

Real-time response: Due to the real-time computing power of artificial intelligence, AI quantitative strategies can quickly adapt 

to market changes. This allows the portfolio to adjust more flexibly in response to changing market conditions.

Multi-factor model: AI quantification usually adopts a multi-factor model to consider multiple factors that affect asset prices. 

This comprehensive analysis helps reduce portfolio risk and improve long-term investment returns.

With the continuous development of blockchain technology and AI technology, Walnut will become a leader in the quantitative 

field. Its emergence undoubtedly provides global investors with an unprecedented opportunity to manage finances and invest 

on a secure, decentralized, and innovative platform.

As an AI quantitative platform with international strength and leading technology, Walnut will lead the new trend of global 

financial transactions.